An open letter to my future self

Dear Future Self,

I’m pretty sure you have the technology to read this or listen to this in a metaverse.
Kaafi cool haan!

Before anything else please tell me you are leading a simple and happy life because that is what we planned, didn’t we? I know you have got too much on your plate but don’t forget to take micro-breaks like we did every 45 mins while working from home. I hope you are healthy, and your BMI is under control.

Does your passport have stamps from any new countries or you became more boring than you were? FYI, I also know you have e-passport, but I have no clue how it works.

Did you lose all your hair? Even if you did, I love you.

Do you have any kids? Are you even married? If you are, spend enough time with your partner and kids. Listen to them. Try to answer all stupid questions your kids ask. And don’t forget to tell them how much you love them.
If you are not married, it is okay. Still spend time with people that matter.

Don’t forget you are very important to you. Make plans for yourself. Try cuisines you never tasted. Travel to places that make your life simpler. Go for early morning cycling. I know you saved and invested enough to own a car, so go for a long but safe drive. Keep reading books which you find interesting. Declutter things and people. Write down good things that happen to you. Avoid negativity. Keep it simple.

John Green says – ‘The world is not a wish-granting factory.’ And I agree with him. Your life will have ups and downs. Maybe more downs than ups. Stay stronger, you have come a long way. Your life could have been worse, but it is not. It is beautiful. Your best may not be good enough for others, but they do not know your journey. So, keep your chin up, smile, sometimes smirk but stay grounded.

Love & happiness always in all ways!

Your Present Self

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