Demolition Dilemma

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there are moments that deeply hurt and leave a lasting impact on our souls. One such heart-wrenching scenario is witnessing government officials simply breaking trolleys of vegetables and leaving them crushed and wasted on the roadside. This act snatches away the hopes of a poor vegetable vendor. It is disheartening to think about the labor and dedication that go into growing these vegetables, from planting the seeds, nurturing the crops & transporting them to the market. Yet, all this effort is wasted when the trolleys are overturned without any consideration. While addressing encroachments and illegal occupation of roads is essential, there must be a better way to handle such situations than simply turning vegetable trolleys upside down and detaining them. Instead, authorities can come up with strategies that protect public spaces while also safeguarding the livelihoods of small vendors.

On another note, I have observed protests by farmers who throw away vegetables, fruits, and milk as a means of expressing their grievances when they don’t receive enough support from the authorities or fair compensation for their hard work. While I sympathize with their struggles and the pitiful prices they receive for their hard work, I find it difficult to understand this method of protest. Surely, there are more thoughtful ways to make their voices heard, such as donating the produce to those in need or offering it for free to help the less fortunate. This way, the food does not go to waste, and the farmers’ message can still be conveyed effectively.

Similarly, the recent trend of “bulldozer justice” for accused rioters & hate crimes raises deep concerns about the concept of justice. While the idea of swift punishment may seem appealing, it is essential to remember that justice should be unbiased. Demolishing houses without extensive investigation can lead to innocent families suffering the consequences of one person’s actions. If someone commits a crime, it is unfair for their entire family to become homeless. These homes are not just structures; they are attached to human emotions, memories, and hard work. Such actions can lead to immense suffering on individuals who had nothing to do with the crime.

Even when it comes to illegal buildings, I totally oppose any illegal occupation of land and construction. However, I am baffled by the lack of action during the construction or initial process. It is disheartening to see the precious resources like water, and the hard work of laborers, planners, electricians, and civil workers going to waste. Demolishing these buildings may seem like a fitting punishment, but it does not address the root of the problem. I am left with questions by how these illegal builders manage to obtain documents and permissions.

All these situations I mentioned are the instances of wasted efforts, resources, and emotions. As a society, we need to find more compassionate and thoughtful ways to handle encroachments, support our farmers & local business and uphold justice. The sight of crushed vegetables, wasted food, and demolished homes make me extremely sad, and I feel one needs to address these issues with empathy and a sense of responsibility. By doing so, we can work towards a more compassionate world, where the hard work and dedication of individuals are valued because it takes years to build a tower but only seconds to destroy it!

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