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  • What Shanghai has to say?

    What Shanghai has to say?

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most discussed and a serious threat to the entire world. Many countries have imposed quarantine and lockdown which has impacted millions of lives. However, Shanghai, the megacity of China with a population of about 2.5 crores has dealt with coronavirus outbreak better than most of the cities in the world.… Read more

  • अंत


    अटकलें थी बाज़ार में कि दुनिया तबाह होगी..क़यामत के बाद आदम हव्वा की एक नई सुबह होगी.. समंदर से शायद सैलाब भी आयेगा..आसमान से कोई आग भी बरसाएगा..धरती हमारे बोझ से थक जाएगी..शायद शून्य पर जम जाएगी.. चंद्रग्रहण अब लाल होगा..तांडव करता जब काल होगा..बारह वर्ष बरसात ना रुकेगी..पृथ्वी जब अक्ष पे ना घूमेगी.. क्षुद्र… Read more

  • पर अकेला चल रहा..

    पर अकेला चल रहा..

    छोटे से इस मकान से, घने भरे श्मशान से, हर कब्र को मैं गिन रहा मैं जुगनुओं को सुन रहा है रात का खौफ यूं, मैं मोम सा पिघल रहा पर अकेला चल रहा पर अकेला चल रहा कफ़न की भी क्या जाति है? कितने चले बाराती है? मासूम से क्या छीन रहा मैं साथ… Read more

  • Maya Bay

    Maya Bay

    “Are we going to Maya Bay now”? She asked the boatman. He shrugged, steering the long tail boat. She grunted and tied a black scarf around her low-rise yellow bikini. She was probably pissed off with the boatman but her reflective sunglasses hid her scowled eyes. She removed her sunglasses and kept it in her… Read more

  • Book Review : Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    Book Review : Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    Author : Robert T. Kiyosaki In the pursuit of becoming a millionaire or even a billionaire, formal education isn’t the only path to follow. The traditional grind of a 9-to-5 job, while it pays the bills, won’t necessarily pave the way to financial abundance. Instead, achieving wealth may require a different kind of hard work… Read more

  • Door Behad Door Chalte He..

    Door Behad Door Chalte He..

    Nukkad me chai ki chhuski lete Tees saal ki chutti leke Chal Himalay se behte he Door behad door chalte he Sadkon pe bekhauf naachenge Aasmaani jharonkon se jhaakenge Chal aa baarish sa barsate he Door behad door chalte he Kabootar se chitti bhijwana he Khajaana gullak me chhipaana he Chal ghane jungle me bhatkate… Read more